Custom Computer Case PVC Based
The problem is that my motherboard which is ASUS CUSL2-C isn’t a Micro ATX based form factor which has dimension of 20.8cm x 30.5cm. So that I can’t see any chance to place it on any barebone case. But then I got inspired from somewhere on internet - which I forgot the URL was - where I can think any possibility to make a PC frame from PVC tube.
I then immediately take off & strip all the devices attached from old case. From this, I started to create an optimal layout for new case & finally I found this one below :
After composing layout, I have to calculate the material needed & measured the dimension in order to define length, width & height the PVC slices. Here below is a complete list of the material:
Part ID | Part Description | Qty | Part Price | Extended Price | US$ Total |
1 | PVC Male Adapter 1/2" to 3/4" (L letter) | 8 | Rp. 3.000 | Rp. 24.000 | US$ 2 |
2 | PVC Cross Adapter 3/4" (T Letter) | 14 | Rp. 2.000 | Rp. 28.000 | US$ 2.34 |
3 | PVC 1/2" 2.5M | 1 | ? | ? | ? |
4 | Small Hinge – 1 pack | 1 | ? | ? | ? |
5 | Fan with LED light | 1 | ? | ? | ? |
TOTAL | Rp. 52.000 | US$ 4.34 |
Fortunately that I have stock parts #3, #4 & #5, so I didn’t know how much prices expense exactly for that. You can check all of the parts to home depot near to you or check from this link. Anyway, based on layout I then slice the PVC into various small parts which was 16’s of 6cm, 5’s of 17cm, 2’s of 9cm & 4’s of 10cm.
After sawed the PVC’s, I begin to bunch the parts to make a base frame for PSU, hard drive & DVD place.
Next stage plan is to make 2nd frame for motherboard & the rest of devices. Don’t forget to neat the cables & fixing power & reset switch orderly.
From this point, you have completed about 75% of the total progress. The last is to bunched the wrench case so that it will tight fastened.
It’s done & now the time to test it. Apply all of additional devices attached to CPU & let it burning in any way to make sure that the case is now ready to show off.
Labels: Casing, Modifikasi PC, My Share, My Tricks, PC Modding, Windows Media Center
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Sunday, February 15, 2009 10:59:00 AM
You're a good plumber and programmer.
Sunday, February 15, 2009 7:10:00 PM
@Anonymous: Ooops... Did I? :-p
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 3:19:00 PM
Gile tuh. Kalo pas hidup trus ketumpahan kopi atau abu rokok, atau tangan kita kesetrum piye ?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 4:27:00 PM
@ siUdin: Stay cool maann... Tuh CPU kan dikerangkeng dalem lemari TV. Jadi aman dari segala macem bahaya. OK?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 6:20:00 AM
Bro.. bisa gak pipa PVCnya di dibuat sebagai sirkulasi udara.... supaya PC lebih dingin... atau PVC diganti dengan pipa alumunium....??? gwe pengin tuch sekalian bisa di isi freon R290 (ramah lingkungan)...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 8:49:00 AM
Koq R290? lebih baik pake NOZ deh :-). Eniwei, ttp gw pertimbangan ide loe. Tunggu tgl mainnya...
Tuesday, May 10, 2011 6:03:00 PM
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