The Battle of 2020 Smart Assistant

Bixby is 1 year old younger than Google Assistant (GA), that's why she loose in this battle today on 2020. The battle contains 20 "hard level" questions consists of 4 What's, 4 Who's, 3 Where's, 3 When's, 4 How's, also 2 of Math & Statistic. Click the video below to watch the fight...

It looks like that Bixby doesn't have her "capsule" on location information instead of GA with Google Maps right on his hands, literally.

And the Artificial Intelligence (AI) fight still continue, this time Cortana vs Google Assistant on Windows 10 right here below, just click to watch the video - Anyway, sorry for the echo on first scene.

In conclusion, congratulation to Google Assistant as the winner. While the round up is Cortana and Bixby at the third. Anyway, thank your for watching & leave your comment below. Don't forget to subscribe to this channel, share & like the video if you love. And see you on my upcoming video. Bye...

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How Bixby will Change the Way You Watch TV

So, I was interesting on what Samsung just did with Bixby - an AI innovation born on Smart TV (after what they did on some of Samsung flagship phones). Anyway, I've been testing out for several question to her and here I give it 3 star out from 5 (from the TV I tested).

There are several questions she didn't understand, even a simple basic math quiz. A quite time her took to answer for another question also makes me annoyed, even she could reach the answer over the internet. I think it's only a matter of the processor, but it's a major one for me.

CMIIW, I thought that I couldn't make my Bixby learned after I testing her on my TV. It's kinda different from her "clone" on my Note 9. But yes... I believe that she will change the way you guys to watch the TV - in couple years.

Is there someone out there can give me an insight? Write a comment below & don't forget to subscribe to this channel, share & like it. See you again for upcoming video... Bye!

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