The Battle of 2020 Smart Assistant

Bixby is 1 year old younger than Google Assistant (GA), that's why she loose in this battle today on 2020. The battle contains 20 "hard level" questions consists of 4 What's, 4 Who's, 3 Where's, 3 When's, 4 How's, also 2 of Math & Statistic. Click the video below to watch the fight...

It looks like that Bixby doesn't have her "capsule" on location information instead of GA with Google Maps right on his hands, literally.

And the Artificial Intelligence (AI) fight still continue, this time Cortana vs Google Assistant on Windows 10 right here below, just click to watch the video - Anyway, sorry for the echo on first scene.

In conclusion, congratulation to Google Assistant as the winner. While the round up is Cortana and Bixby at the third. Anyway, thank your for watching & leave your comment below. Don't forget to subscribe to this channel, share & like the video if you love. And see you on my upcoming video. Bye...

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Did you know that Samsung's SmartThings is Only Work on Samsung Smartphone?

Based on below video - the answer is NOT but YES, since Samsung has delivered two versions that originated Samsung smartphone can installed the SmartThings apps instead of the other one (Samsung SmartHome). Actually, SmartThings was a company that acquired by Samsung Electronics in August 2014 and would operate as an independent company within Samsung's Open Innovation Center as a new step for Samsung to move into the Internet of Things (IoT) space.

The NOT answer above refer to smartphone hardware incapacity to handle special IoT functions characteristic - what I'm saying is not all Samsung smartphone have the ability to run it. And when it couldn't run the origin apps, the Google PlayStore would linking to Samsung SmartHome apps. So, that only few Samsung smartphone designed to run the SmartThings apps - just some special flagship.

Sorry, the video is in Bahasa, but you can try your self at home with your smartphone. Just search by using "SmartThings" keyword on Google PlayStore. Is it work on yours?

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