How to Merging PDF Files?
First of all, the very required thing is all the Postscript files you need to combine & Adobe Distiller installed properly in your machine. Locate all the .ps files into a specified folder (ex: & Then, create a file contain the source below & named with any kind of name you want with .ps extension (ex: Store it in the same folder where the multiple source existed:
/prun { /mysave save def
dup = flush
clear cleardictstack
mysave restore
} def
% Change the path/to/filex depend on OS platform you used by
(path/to/ prun
(path/to/ prun
Use the pathname syntax appropriate for the platform running Adobe Distiller just like example below:
Macintosh pathname syntax: (Macintosh prun+
Windows pathname syntax: (x:/path/to/ prun
UNIX pathname syntax: (./path/to/ prun
Note that it will more easier when there is no space character in your current path & Postscript files name. The last thing to do is, distill the file on the machine running Acrobat Distiller by double-clicking the file. If nothing goes wrong, there should be created a file named merge.pdf automatically in a moment. Have a try & good luck.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:44:00 PM
Sori komentar iki nggak nyambung.
Silakan delete kalau sudah dibaca.
Ko, aku cuma mau usul,
masa iya kita mau pake FC 4 terus? Mbok dibuatkan manual Instalasi Siscadu untuk distro alternatif yang lebih baru spt Fedora 7.
Jangan bilang you're too lazy blablabla, soale aku wis nyoba sendiri dan nggak berhasil. Kayane memang ra nyandak. Kanggoku iki way too high lah pokoke.
Nek perlu nggak sekedar petunjuk copy ini ke direktori itu dst, tp juga penjelasane.
Iki sekedar usul, nek setuju yo alhmdlilLah, nek nggak jg nggak papa sih.
Nice article, btw. It's just hardly understandable for me...
Thursday, November 29, 2007 9:03:00 AM
Mas Bahrun, kita kan sudah punya forum IT sendiri. Coba di posting disitu ben langsung tak jawab & biar bisa di-rembug rame2. Okay?
Thursday, November 29, 2007 1:25:00 PM
Ok trims.
Cuma masalahnya kemarin aku coba login ternyata account-ku sdh tidak aktif lagi.
Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:43:00 PM
Karena dari awal memang tidak diaktifkan. Tapi sekarang sudah saya aktifkan.
Thursday, February 21, 2008 4:05:00 PM
Hi Eko,
I tried this with Distiller 8, but it seems not to work. Is there any change in Distiller 8 or can you guess what´s wrong?
I am getting the following error:
%%[ Warning: Empty job. No PDF file produced. ] %%
My path is correct and those files do contain ps-data. I can produce pdf from both of them individually.
my code is below:
/prun { /mysave save def
dup = flush
clear cleardictstack
mysave restore
} def
(c:/PStest/ prun
(c:/PStest/ prun
I would be very pleased if you can give any hint or idea what´s wrong.
Erkki Pennanen
Thursday, February 21, 2008 11:20:00 PM
I found myself the solution, but like to share this with others.
Acrobat Distiller restriction on directory access
Beginning with Acrobat 8.1, Distiller® restricts the directories that PostScript® file operators can access. The new default behavior limits directory access to the temp and font cache directories. Earlier versions of Distiller allowed PostScript file operators to have unlimited directory access.
The following Distiller settings enable unlimited directory access. Such unlimited access can pose security problems.
Microsoft® Windows®: -F command line option
UNIX®: -allowfileops command line option
Apple Mac OS: AllowPSFileOps user preference
Friday, April 11, 2008 10:36:00 AM
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