PowerBuilder & MySQL Problem: Tips & Tricks
1. Error Resulted with Select Sum, Count, Max or Min Query
At first, we’re confused with this since the query resulted an error. However, this could be solved by adding an option=135168 in dbparm string connection.
2. Error Resulted in Query Select Where on DataWindow
Filtering record with select where query resulting truncated selected row (ODBC error no.#01004).
This also weird things happened around since we didn’t playing with string truncation except just a plain simple query. The answer is simply to turn on the Disabled Bind option check box in Database Profile Setup
3. Very Uncomfortable Development Environment – In My Opinion
Again – in my opinion – the RAD environment of PowerBuilder to modifying the database are too difficult. There are no MySQL front-end application better than MySQLFront. The PowerBuilder it self concept are persistent to define the final tables before it start to proceed the development process. Once you make a mistake to define the length of a field, you have to rebuild the table from PowerBuilder & then re-compile the program. Very weird – In my opinion… as I said before.
4. Fault on Numeric Type Data in PowerBuilder (Very Significant Problem!)
A crucial matter happened when having a row transaction with decimal or numeric data type. A decimal data type which exist in MySQL wouldn’t recognized properly from PowerBuilder since it will display an empty string on Data Type column in Database Connection window. And so on eventually happened also in numeric data type.
Define data type from MySQLFront
View data type from PowerBuilder
However, as we have much troubles & complicated within it, we temporary solved to downgrade the MySQL into version 4 as the quick trick. The potential problem as described as no #4 above are suddenly lost. Now, we are waiting for any future severe that we don’t hope actually. We just only need a grips of lucky strike…
Labels: PowerBuilder, Programming
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Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:55:00 PM
aku ada informasi nih buat bapak mungkin menarik. dan saatnya kita mencoba untuk melakukan bisnis online di internet http://www.Invescria.com?id=indra.
kunjungi dan pastikan anda untuk join karena ini sangat bermanfaat
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 7:36:00 PM
hi there,
i have some strange effects during developing in PB (10) with MySQL (4). i had to learn to deal with.
but in production everything is stable.
Thursday, November 29, 2007 9:04:00 AM
@anonymous: What was your strange effects anyway?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 1:23:00 PM
Mas Wahyu, tolongin aku donk. Aku lagi develop aplikasi client server pakai PowerBuilder & MySQL. Kalo develop trus di compile aplikasinya bisa jalan pake connectionstring yg udah Mas Wahyu terangin sama setting DNS nya pake driver MyODBC. Tapi kalo jalaninnya di client gimana ya caranya ? pake DNS juga ya? tapi koq gak konek sich ? :(
Oh ya, aku pake powerbuilder 8.0, mySQL 5.0 dan MyODBC ver. 5.1
Kalo Mas Wahyu ada waktu, kirim aja tips n triknya ke emailku di precorgians@gmail.com
Thanks ya mas
Friday, September 05, 2008 1:32:00 AM
HI, How did ou solve the transaction issue, where an Uodate from one session is not vissible to other sessions, How Can I make it visible? I am using commit but nothing happens unless I close the 2nd session and open it back. it is killing me, Thanks
Monday, November 17, 2008 2:16:00 PM
saya ada masalah nih, mohon pencerahannya.
saya bermaksud mengkonversi program applikasi yg menggunakan poer bulder kedalam bentuk web, untuk itu saya install appeon server di win2000 server.
ketika program itu saya akses melalui client ber-OS winXP tidak ada masalah,applikasinya muncul di web ( boongan ),
tapi ketika saya pake client Linux, halaman webnya menjadi blank ( saya sudah install wine, cabextract, Ies4Linux untuk mendukung itu semua ), apakah ada yg salah atau kurang di langkah2 saya atau gimana yah ?
Monday, November 17, 2008 2:20:00 PM
aya ada masalah nih, mohon pencerahannya.
saya bermaksud mengkonversi program applikasi yg menggunakan power builder kedalam bentuk web, untuk itu saya install appeon server di win2000 server.
ketika program itu saya akses melalui client ber-OS winXP tidak ada masalah,applikasinya muncul di web ( boongan ),
tapi ketika saya pake client Linux, halaman webnya menjadi blank ( saya sudah install wine, cabextract, Ies4Linux untuk mendukung itu semua ), apakah ada yg salah atau kurang di langkah2 saya atau gimana yah ?
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