XChat: My Spare (Time) Chat-tainment
-> Stay on a office
-> Having a spare time
-> 24/7 internet connection
-> Closed a.k.a blocked chat port (no mIRC, no Yahoo Messenger ~ YM)
I'll doing a chat task using XChat or Google talk! Since mIRC under Windows are blocked on my line, so I had a researched to test it under my web server box based on Fedora Core 4. The weird things was it did with XChat. It seems that it tricks & passed the chat port proxy machine. This is the interesting part of the application. Very weird, but it entertained me.
XChat is a mIRC likes. Once you used it up, there will be no problem to switch from mIRC. The interface are so simple, even more with the IRC standard command line. It is so easy to whois your partner by right-clicking the mouse over the nick's. XChat also equipped with URL grabber which make you easy to find out the domain are connected recently.
When you are ready to logged in with XChat, perhaps you can follow my tips & trick below:
-> For fastest connection, find a nearest local server to reach local channels. Currently, I am using server irc.cbn.net.id:6667 to retrieve my favorite channels at #jakarta, #bandung, #surabaya & #yogyakarta. This local IRC server are not exist on default server list. You have to add it by your self.
-> For more extra-power, download the plug-in scripts to customized your XChat. There are tons of address you can use the script as you want to add. Don't be shy to make a googling. For example; I using rainbow (/rb) text plug-in to colorized my message on XChat and also a nick name or domain searching perl plug-in script.
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